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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Treasure Hunting

I am the type of person who can't step on a beach without immediately searching for treasures.  I could spend most of my waking hours beach combing.  The only drawback to hunting treasures on a beach is the pain that I get in my neck from looking down.  Its hard to stop...its hard to look up because a treasure may be missed.

On a recent beach excursion I  found this gem!!

I have been told if a beach stone contains a circumferntial quartz ring you must toss it over your left shoulder into the sea while making a wish.  The stone I found is the shape of a HEART and has 2 complete quartz rings!  Does this mean I get 2 wishes?

This was not even a dilemma for me as this rock qualifies as a Treasure!!

Treasure:  A valuable thing, any thing greatly valued or prized.  To regard as precious; cherish

My Options:  2 Wishes  or  a fabulous Treasure???

Hmmmmmmmmmmm? What to do?

I CAN NOT possibley throw this over my left shoulder and not look, I brought it home to add to my other treasures.

Reflecting on this choice I feel fortunate to remind myself how thankful I am for all the amazing things that surround me in my daily life.  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Message in a Bottle

This is a message in a bottle sent from my home by the Sea(ttle). For any cast aways that may find the contents of this bottle I hope you will enjoy all the things I love!

The first and most inspiring thing is my dog Skippy.

Skippy: His name was suppose to be Skipper but the moment that I saw him I quickly realized he was a Skippy.  He just turned 6 last week. When he was a lil pup we went on a roadtrip down the westcoast on Highway One. This is Skippy on the beach in Carmel being his adorable self.

I tell people he is like having a little clown around! The girl that walks him refers to him a "goofball".  She will come over and say "come on goofball let's go on a romp".

I describe Skippy's moods as happy, really happy, super excited, oh my goodness this is the best most wonderful thing in the  WHOLE WIDE WORLD!  I wonder how the world would be if we could all live like this?